The "Cite" of the Crime
The "Cite" of the Crime
Episode #30 - Federal 11th Circuit Criminal Case Law Update (November 21, 2022 - November 25, 2022)
- 8 cases
- 1 published decisions
- 7 unpublished decisions
- 8 miscellaneous (Substantive reasonableness, Compassionate Release, Etc.)
WRITTEN SUMMARIES HERE: https://www.jacksonvillecriminallawyerblog.com/2672-2/
Case # 1 - United States v. B.G.G. (11th Cir. Pub. Dec.)
- B.G.G. is a Rule 48(a) dismissal of Information or Indictment with leave of court case.
Case #2 - United States v. Albriza (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Albriza is a motion to suppress case.
Case #3 - United States v. Andrew (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Andrew is a Drug Quantity table calculation case.
Case #4 - United States v. Magloire (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Magloire is a supervised release revocation case.
Case #5 - United States v. Mediko, et al., (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Mediko is a three defendant appeal from a fraud trial conviction.
Case #6 - United States v. Santiago Rivera (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Rivera is a 6th Amendment Confrontation Clause case.
Case #7 - United States v. Sims (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Sims is a 922(g) possession of a firearm by a convicted felon 404(b) case.
Case #8 - United States v. Thomas (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
- Thomas is a fraud loss calculation and aggravating role case.
Hammoud v. United States (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
Montsdeoca v. United States (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
United States v. Mendoza, (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
United States v. Owens (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
Reasonableness of the Sentence
United States v. Anchico-Jimenez (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
United States v. Frazier, (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
United States v. Johnson (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)
Compassionate Release
United States v. Burgess (11th Cir. Unpub. Dec.)